What Makes a House a Mansion

A mansion is a large and stately home, usually belonging to someone of wealth or high social status. But what makes a house a mansion? Here are some key factors of what makes a house a mansion: Size: Mansions are Big Mansions are typically much larger than the average home, sometimes spanning thousands of square … Read more

What Is Considered a Mansion (All Things Mansions)

What is a Mansion? There’s no definitive answer to the question of what makes a house a mansion, but in general, mansions are large, luxurious, and often opulent houses with many bedrooms, bathrooms, and expansive living spaces. What Makes a House a Mansion? Typically, mansions are much larger than regular houses, and they often have … Read more

Can You Sell a House that Needs Repairs?

Yes you can sell a house that needs repairs, but it may be more difficult to find a buyer willing to pay full price. Why Make Repairs? In many cases, it may be better to make the repairs before listing the property for sale. This will ensure that the house is in good condition and … Read more

Can You Sell a House with Lead Paint

can you sell a house with lead paint

It’s no secret that lead paint can be dangerous. Exposure to lead paint chips and dust can lead to a range of health problems, including learning disabilities, brain damage, and even death. As a result, many countries have banned the use of lead-based paint in homes. However, if you own an older home, there’s a … Read more

What is the Difference in Contingent and Pending

Difference in Contingent and Pending

If you’re looking at Florida real estate listings, you might come across homes described as “pending” or “contingent.” What do they mean, and can you still make an offer to buy the property? The terms contingent and pending often are used interchangeably in real estate, but there is a difference in their meaning. What does … Read more